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Patriotic Commission Minutes 10-15-2012
October 15, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Kent Carlson, followed by the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

(*Meeting recessed 7:55-8:15 for special presentation to Cary Prague at Town Council)

Roger Anderson, Peter Anthony, Herb Asplund, Gene Botteron, Kent Carlson, Bill Carroll, Len Glasser, Bob Hornish, Daria Plummer, Jim Throwe (alt), Art Sladyk (alt.).

The minutes of September 17, 2012 were approved. Motion: Hornish/Glasser. Move to accept the minutes as printed.  Carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Presented by Kent Carlson.  Of the $13,500 designated to the Patriotic Commission, a deposit ($3,750) has been made on fireworks for Picnic in the Park, leaving a balance for the Commission of $9,750. Brick balance is $7,257.66. Discussion held on SW Memorials and consideration of a commemorative coin.

CORRESPONDENCE: None at this time.


Essay Contest, Roger Anderson
  • Questions selected for 2013 Essay Contest; open to all students in SW.
  • PR to be done through SW’s curriculum director for social studies; copies to be sent to SW appropriate administrative personnel.
Evening In The Park: May 18, 2013
  • Fireworks contract signed.
Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony and flags on graves: May 27, 2013
o       Speaker being sought and Kent working on band (investigating Pipe bands).

Flag Day flag retirement ceremony:  Peter Anthony—June 15, 2013
o       Bins have been cleared out.

Veterans Day Parade:  Kent Carlson—November 4, 2012
  • Walking with TE band; bus arranged for Commission, veterans, other dignitaries.
  • Police honor guard will be marching with us also.
  • All groups have been notified via several venues (phone, email, in person).
Veterans Day Ceremony:  
  • Doug Rouse will provide an elder from his religious community for the ceremony.
  • Music still being arranged; chairs arranged.
  • Speaker: Lt. Col.  Bob Feher, National Guard, SW resident; 21 yrs. military.
Veterans in the Schools: Bill Carroll, Jr.  (Monday, November 12)
  • Speaker for SWHS ceremony will be either Peter Anthony or Jim Throwe.
  • Bill will provide introductions for the ceremony.

Wreaths Across America: Art Sladyk (December 15, 2012)
  • Working with Dr. Carter on flyer for students. Prototype shared that students may use for names of veterans being remembered.
  • Identifying all veterans’ graves an ongoing effort; if staffs can remain from Memorial Day flags, wreaths then easily put on graves and staffs pulled at that time.
  • All wreaths picked up/disposed by January 26th.
  • Discussion on wreath placement to ensure that wreaths (depending on number purchased) are placed first on those gravesites that did not receive 2011wreaths.
  • Report on the proposed wall at VMP (Art Sladyk)
  • Pricing of granite still being sought from two-three contractors.
  • Permission needed from Town Council to begin.
  • Herb and Bill continue to work with town hall regarding updating names of SW service members on active duty.
  • Dates have been posted on website.
  • Bill continues to work on possible project of flags around town center.
NEW BUSINESS: None at this time

  • PR continues to be done through the JI, Reminder News.
  • Peter Anthony will be recognized by the Town Council for his recent civilian efforts during a fire.

The next meeting will be held Monday, Monday, November 19, at 7:30.

Adjournment: 8:45, on a motion to adjourn. Motion: Asplund/Carroll.  Carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Daria Plummer